Author: Admin

Windows 11 Upgrade in Fall 2024

IT-SLE will upgrade Student Life & Enrollment computers to Windows 11 this Fall. The upgrade will occur over several weeks, with clusters of departments scheduled for each weekly roll out period. The Windows 11 update will be distributed to workstations over the weekend and IT-SLE will be available for dedicated support the following week. The first round […]

Turning on Presentation Mode in Windows

Presentation mode is a feature in Windows that allows you to control various settings (i.e., temporarily disable screen lock) to ensure a smooth experience during your presentation. To turn presentation mode on, follow these steps: 1. In the Windows search bar, type Mobility   2. Click on Windows Mobility Center, this should open a new […]

OneDrive Migration Starts on September 29

Starting on September 29, Student Life & Enrollment IT will begin to migrate personal files to OneDrive. The migration will occur over 5 weekends during the month of October. Personal files include “Documents” (Q: Drive), “Desktop” and “Pictures” directories. Transitioning to OneDrive will allow files to be available from any location with internet access. To […]