This page provides information on accounts that allow Student Life & Enrollment employees to access computing services: the University NetID, Student Life & Enrollment Domain Account and Student Worker Email Accounts.
Student Life & Enrollment Domain Account
The Domain Account gives Student Life & Enrollment computer users access to shared services, a secure computing environment and support from IT Student Life. A domain is a way to network users, printers and computers to servers called domain controllers. This creates an environment that can be managed as one system, ensuring that these objects have the same settings and configurations such as file drive locations, printer settings, security settings, software updates and more.
Authorized staff can manage student and staff domain accounts for access to various work systems:
Manage Domain Accounts
University NetID
All faculty, staff, students, and affiliates receive a NetID, a unique UConn identifier, when they join the University. The NetID allows access to certain computing services including: Student Administration, HuskyCT, Exchange (Faculty/Staff email and calendaring), VPN and many others. The list of services will grow, as many of UConn’s computing services allow you to use a common ID and password to log in.
The University provides tools to protect your NetID (i.e., manage passwords and enable two-factor authentication) and modify how your name is published.
NetID Management
Student Worker Email Accounts
The Account Sponsorship Application makes it easier for University employees to create accounts for affiliates, student employees, and privileged access. The Account Sponsorship Application allows permanent employees to sponsor up to 10 affiliate, 10 student employee (NetIDWork), and 10 privileged access (NetIDAdmin) accounts at any given time.
The Account Sponsorship Application does not include management of computer access - only email resources.